Election Campaigning

writer : 선거2과 Registration Date : 2015-06-09

I. Election Campaigning

1. Definition of Election Campaigning and Election Campaign Period (Public Official Election Act, Articles 58 and 59)
  • "Election campaigning" is defined as act intended to elect a person or prevent a person from being elected.
  • The "Election Campaign Period" is from the day the election period begins to the day before election day (April 2, 2020 to April 14, 2020)
  • Campaigning can only be conducted during the campaign period, except for methods allowed under the Public Official Election Act such as campaigning by preliminary candidates and campaigning by text message and on the internet
Activities Not Considered as Election Campaigning (Public Official Election Act, Article 58)
  • Expressing a simple opinion or inferring an opinion regarding an election
  • Preperation activities for candidacy and election campaigns
  • Expressing a simple opinion or inferring an opinion in support of or against the recommendation of candidates by political parties
  • Regular party activities
  • Sending text messages of greetings on holidays such as Lunar New Year's Day or Chuseok and religious holidays such as Buddha's Birthday or Christmas
People Forbidden from Election Campaigning (Public Official Election Act, Article 60)
  • Non-Korean citizens or minors (under 19)
  • Citizens who do not have suffrage as of election day such as those convicted of election law violations
  • State (and local) civil servants and commissioners working for all levels of the election commission
    ※Anybody falling under the provisions set in Article 60 (1) of the Public Official Election Act shall not campaign
Persons Forbidden from Election Campaigning Targetting Overseas Voters (Public Official Election Act, Article 218-14 (6))
  • Full time senior officials and employees from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Korea Foundation (KF), Overseas Koreans Foundation (OKF) and representatives of those organizations
    ※ Those forbidden from campaigning are also prohibited from campaigning during the campaign period.

II. Overseas Election Campaign Methods

Overseas election campaigning allowed for overseas citizens (Public Official Election Act, Article 59 and Article 218-14 (1))
  • Those allowed to undertake campaigning may campaign in the following ways at any time:
Allowed cases Prohibited cases
- Test messages
Send campaign information by text message (voice, recordings and video included)
※ No limit on the period, including election day
- Test messages
Sending text messages using an automatic transmission communication system by persons who are not preliminary candidates or candidates
(In the case of sending messages to more than 20 persons or automatically selecting numbers in the case of less than 20 recipients) is prohibited.
- Homepage
Posting comments or videos on homepages, message boards or chat rooms
- Homepage
Posting of election campaign adverts on internet media or homepages by persons who are not the candidates
- Email
Sending emails (meaning using a system that sends and receives information in text, voice or video format between computer users)
- Email
Sending emails by an entrusted agency that are commissioned by those who are not preliminary candidates or candiates
  • Those persons allowed to campaign can do so verbally such as speaking to recipients directly over the phone during the election campaigning period
Overseas Election Campaigning that only Political Parties and Candidates can Undertake (Public Official Election Act, Article 218-14)
  • Broadcast advertising and broadcast speeches using satellite broadcasting facilities in Korea during the campaign period by a party that has recommended candidates for elections of proportional representation members of the National Assembly
  • Posting election campaign adverts on the homepage of internet media during the election period by candidates or political parties
  • Candidates (including preliminary candidates)sending text messages using an automatic transmission method
  • Candidates (including preliminary candidates) sending emails through an entrusted agency

III. Participation in Elections by Organizations

Prohibited Overseas Election Campaigning by Organizations (Public Official Election Act, Article 218-14 (7))
  • An organization (including its representatives, employees or members) may not campaign targetting overseas voters in the name of the organization or in the name of a representative of the organization
Promoting Participation in Voting (Public Official Election Act, Article 58-2)
Allowed cases Prohibited cases
  • An individual or a group encouraging people to participate in voting only without supporting or opposing a particular political party or candidate
※ In accordance with Article 59.2 and 59.3 of the Public Official Election Act, individuals or organizations who are allowed to campaign may encourage participation in voting that includes support, a recommendation of or opposition to a political party or candidate using posts on a homepage, text messages, and e-mail.
  • Visiting a person's home and encouraging them to vote
  • Encouraging a person to vote within 100 meters of an overseas polling station
  • Encouraging participation in voting that includes support, a recommendation of or opposition to a political party or candidate (including preliminary candidates) outside the election period
  • Encouraging people to participate in voting using displays including banners, printed materials, using any equipment such as loudspeakers or recorded messages (or any audio or video equipment) sashes, signs or other material that infer or show the title, photos or names of candidates (including preliminary candidates) or political parties.
첨부파일 다운로드 Group election campaign is prohibited.hwp
Examples of Violations of Acts Related to Elections
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