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NEC to Host a Ceremony to Mark the 13th Voter's Day

Date :07/08/2024Read : 55

NEC to Host a Ceremony to Mark the 13th Voter's Day


The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea on May 10 hosted a ceremony to mark the 13th Voter’s Day at the NEC Secretariat Office in Gwacheon.


More than 270 people attended the ceremony, including the Chairperson of the NEC of the Republic of Korea, Rho Tae-ak, those who have contributed to the development of election culture and their families, voter groups, and election and party-related associations.


Chairperson Rho, in his commemorative speech, stated that voters’ participation develops the society and their will further solidifies democracy. Chairperson Rho added that active participation of voters made high voter turnout of 67 percent of this year’s National Assembly Elections possible.


In addition, the NEC said it has made efforts to improve the transparency of the voting and counting process to restore public trust by releasing CCTV footage of the early voting ballot box storage area and adding a manual counting process. Also, the NEC emphasized that it will faithfully fulfill its duty of "fair election management" as stipulated by the Constitution to become a strong partner so that voters can be the true owners of the country.

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