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NEC to Hold Mock Overseas Elections for the 22nd National Assembly Elections

Date :07/21/2023Read : 214

The National Election Commission(NEC) of the Republic of Korea held mock overseas elections on July 10, nine months before the 22nd National Assembly election, with the participation of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Overseas Koreans Agency, and the Office of Postal Service.

The mock overseas elections were conducted in the same procedure and method as the actual elections, with 2,661 overseas Koreans, including employees at Korean embassies, participating in the election at 178 diplomatic missions out of 183 diplomatic missions, selected in consideration of the host country's situation.

Through these elections, the NEC plans to check how related agencies have prepared for the upcoming elections and reflect the results in future measures for overseas elections management.

Since overseas elections were first introduced in Korea during the 19th National Assembly elections in 2012, 700,000 overseas Korean nationals participated in a total of six elections. The NEC has continued making efforts to improve the system to better the voting convenience and turnout of Korean residents residing abroad, for example, by introducing domestic return voting and establishing additional polling stations other than diplomatic missions.

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