
Introduction Background

HOME Elections Overseas Elections Introduction Background

Introduction Background

  • History

    Implemented overseas absentee voting from 1967 to 1971 (6th and 7th presidential elections, 7th and 8th National Assembly elections, abolished overseas absentee voting system with enactment of the National Conference for Unification Act in 1972, filed constitutional petition by overseas nationals residing in Japan and France in 1997 (decision of constitutionality in 1999), filed constitutional petition by overseas nationals residing in Japan, the United States, and Canada in 2004 (decision of unconstitutionality in 1997, submitted opinion on revision of introduction of overseas voting system to the National Election Commission (2003~2008, 4 times), introduced overseas voting system with revision of Public Official Election Act on February 12, 2009

  • Realization of basic rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution

    Suffrage is the most basic and essential right for realizing the principle of national sovereignty, and has a superior status to other basic rights, and restrictions on suffrage should be kept to a minimum.

    However, overseas nationals have not been able to fully enjoy their rights as subjects of national sovereignty simply because they are outside the country. However, on June 28, 2007, the Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of the Public Official Election Act were unconstitutional due to violations of the voting rights and equal rights of overseas nationals (residents overseas) and violations of the principle of universal suffrage, so now overseas nationals can exercise their voting rights overseas.

  • Enhancing the Status of the Democratic Nation

    The introduction of the overseas voting system is historically very significant in that it is a measure of whether or not we will advance to an advanced political level and is the completion of our democracy.

    According to the evaluation of the election process and election management by the British economic current affairs magazine The Economist, our country is currently evaluated as being at the world's best level, and the National Election Commission will make full use of its experience in domestic election management to successfully manage overseas elections.

  • Promoting the Rights and Interests of Overseas Nationals and Encouraging Their Self-esteem and Patriotism

    The introduction of the overseas voting system will allow overseas nationals to effectively By being able to exercise their right to vote, the opinions of overseas Koreans will be reflected in state affairs, and many national policies for overseas Koreans will be developed, which will greatly contribute to the advancement of overseas Koreans’ rights and interests.

    In addition, by being able to exercise their right to vote overseas, they will be able to feel pride in being Korean citizens and feel patriotic no matter where they are in the world.

  • Active Response in the Era of Internationalization and Globalization

    In the era of internationalization and globalization, overseas elections will serve as a significant foundation for gathering the voices of overseas Koreans scattered across many countries and developing and advancing national policies for overseas Koreans.

    Meanwhile, fair and clean overseas elections will enhance the national brand of the Republic of Korea and build a global Korean network, contributing to national unity and national development. 1967~1971: Implementation of overseas absentee voting (6th and 7th presidential elections, 7th and 8th general elections)

    1972: Abolition of overseas absentee voting system with enactment of the National Assembly for Unification Act

    1997: Constitutional petition filed by overseas nationals residing in Japan and France (99 Constitutional Decision)

    2004: Constitutional petition filed by overseas nationals residing in Japan, the United States, and Canada (07. Constitutional Inconsistency Decision), submission of revision opinions on introduction of overseas voting system to the National Election Commission (2003~2008. 4 times)

    2009.2.12: Introduction of overseas voting system with revision of Public Official Election Act

  • Major Revisions

    - Confirmation of original documents attached to overseas voter registration application, improvement of overseas voting time, etc. (2011.9.30)

    - Improvement of overseas election campaign methods, investigation and restriction/prohibition of overseas election law New Regulations (2012.2.29)

    - Introduction of E-mail Usage Reporting/Application, Mobile Reception, and Proxy Submission of Family Registration Application Forms (2012.10.2)

    - Allowing Internet Reporting/Application, etc. (2015.8.13.)